Successful installation of microgrid at IOM Sada Hospital in Bangladesh.
Successful installation of microgrid at IOM Sada Hospital in Bangladesh.
WhatsApp Image 2025-01-03 at 11.18.21 AM (1)
WhatsApp Image 2025-01-03 at 11.18.21 AM
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Energy Management System

Reverse Flow of Power

Control Electric Company is a dynamic and professionally managed company in the field of solar solutions. We understand renewable energy business in its present form and immerging future energy requirements in renewable sector.

Successful installation of microgrid at IOM Sada Hospital in Bangladesh.
Successful installation of microgrid at IOM Sada Hospital in Bangladesh.
Conext Battery Monitor
Battery bank monitoring with battery string health detection Conext™ Battery Monitor indicates hours of battery based runtime and determines battery bank state of charge.
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This explains why you do, what you do, from the perspective of what lead you up to this point. This doesn’t have to be fantastic, over-the-top, or unusual. In fact, the more relatable it is, the better. People want a hero that they can aspire to be–which means starting from a place they can relate to, rather than being “above” them.

Where did we start?

CECPL is a company that grew from grass root level. Having come back from USA after spending approximately 2 years I, Dinesh Kaul, the founder Director, was inspired, by the American Dream, to start my own venture. And so it started in the back yard of my home. And it was driven by hope, imagination and a lots of enthusiasm. Quickly we found that clients needed innovative solutions. It was a conciously thought of decision. We could have gone mass production route or the innovative solutions route. And we relished the challanges that non standard solutions brought with it and the immense satisfaction, both client and we got on succussful completion.

Our “Pivotal” moment

How are we different now?

Our Purpose Statement

What turned us into a automation company ? A yes to a question which we did not even understand. In the era when PLC usage was rare, the Modicon Engineer asked, if we would like to become a dealer of PLCs ? While we did a lot of control work mainly on Relay Logic, we were unaware of power of PLCs. It sounded right, the PLCs and so we jumped in without knowing how configure a solution using PLC much less programming the PLC. And we have never looked back.

We are a stable, confidant, mature company now. We welcome challanges, but dont feel the need to go out and prove ourselves. Because we know we can. And so do our clients. Now the next challenge we have taken on ourselves is generating Automation Solutions for Solar Power Plants ( DG PV Synchronizing, Zero Export Devices, Solar SCADA, SMBs, SLDC Telemetery Solutions )

Our puprose of existance as a company is to deliver Value. We have never traditionally been L1 priced solution delivering company. We have aimed to be V1 – delivering the best value in design, life cycle, TCO, delivery, training and service package. Our clients are here for long term, so should our products be.

Our “Pivotal” moment

What turned us into a automation company ? A yes to a question which we did not even understand. In the era when PLC usage was rare, the Modicon Engineer asked, if we would like to become a dealer of PLCs ? While we did a lot of control work mainly on Relay Logic, we were unaware of power of PLCs. It sounded right, the PLCs and so we jumped in without knowing how configure a solution using PLC much less programming the PLC.
And we have never looked back.

How are we different now?

We are a stable, confidant, mature company now. We welcome challanges, but dont feel the need to go out and prove ourselves. Because we know we can. And so do our clients. Now the next challange we have taken on ourselves is generating Automation Solutions for Solar Poweer Plants ( DG PV Synchronising, Zero Export Devices, Solar SCADA, SMBs, SLDC Telemetery Solutions )

Our Purpose Statement

Out puprose of existance as a company is to deliver Value. We have never traditionally been L1 priced solution delivering company. We have aimed to be V1 – delivering the best value in design, life cycle, TCO, delivery, training and service package. Our clients are here for long term, so should our products be.

What struggles did we face?

Within a week of formaing company, we got our first order In a lift. On way to another client we met an old aquitance in a lift. And he casually mentioned he needed an AMF panel. And in the same very building. He even showed us the existing panels which needed replacement. And we gave him a quote there and then. And received an advance from him in the lift itself. And that was the easy part. Getting the right parts, right workers and getting the quality checking procedures in place was the challenge. And this cycle continues to this day. Continuously improving the Quality Procedures, updating and training the staff with latest technologies. From 1995 we had to relocate our factory 11 times, each time to a bigger location as we continued to grew, till we settled in a company owned factory, at the current location in 2001. One thing we did continuously was to upgrade ourselves and offer better technologies to client. We were the early adopters of Schneider, once they entered India, and their products were a significant improvement in what was available at that time. We also adopted readymade enclosures like Rittal, which was a huge jump in enclosure technology. We moved from relay logic to PLC as soon as we connected to Modicon. That was unusual for companies of our size. We then moved to Intellegent MCC much before the term became a rage. In todays’s world these don’t sound very impressive, but at that times, it was a big jump for a SME.

Why did you continue on, in the face of adversity?

The company was started with little funds and mainly ran on curiosity and enthusiasm of the team. We worked day and many nights too. And some months without a single break. Since we always bit more than what we could chew, our growing years were marked by financial juggling. The only thing that kept us going was our Passion for the work we were doing. We just loved the work. And still do it, happily, without the stress part.
Good Products
John Doe

Where did our journey take us?

The journey continues. Have we ‘arrived’ ? Far from it !!!. We are growing learning delivering innovative solutions. Gaining client’s trust. Repeat orders. And adopting newer technologies, in our product solutions and in our processes.

But we did some supremely satisfactory jobs on the way:

We automated Fire Fighting Pumps of about 16 Petroleum Marketing Depots of Indian Oil Ltd. This was path breaking at that time. Done for the first time in India. Not only did we ensure fast response system, we also introducted PLC / SCADA basseed systems in IOCL for the fist time. Not only that, the Automation System did a self test daily and sent a Alarm if anything was found amiss.

We became quite the favourites among the contractors for Fire Fighting Pump Electric Panel and Automation Panel and installed more than 100 across North India.

We Automated Edible Oil Seed Crushing Machines. This too was done first time in India, though the machines were all exported. This led to increase of efficiency of crushing and significantly improving the uptimes of machines.

We supplied and commissioned Electrification and Automation of Edible Oil Refining Plants which included Naturalizer, Deodoriser, Winterizing, Fractionation, Hydrogenation, Bleachers and their accessories, like Vacuum Pumps, compressors, synchronizing, protecting, interlocking, Bucket Conveyers, Belt Conveyers, Weighing Machince etc. There are more than 60 installations all over African Continent spread over 14 years.

One we are especially proud of is Fuji Oil Ltd in Thailand. And one in Australia.

Our crowing glory is a Mosic Mimic panels for Delhi Metro. Buyer was M/s Bombardier. We could not qualify for the financial parameters, this being a big and prestigeous job. So we requested GE to front end it. Which they did and we won the bid.

We had to pickup data from Bombardier Signalling Servers and display the data on a Mosaic Mimic Panel, which was about 40 ft wide x 14 ft high x 4 ft deep. We even had to raise a PC roof on first floor of our factory to be able to accommodate this panel. The panel was built in 16 parts limited by the door / window by which it has to enter the Metro Bhawan building. As if that was not enough, these heavy 16 parts had to be squeezed in through a Window on 3rd Floor, where noisy part of commissioning could only be done between 01.00 AM to 04.00 AM when the metro was not running.

27 kM of wire was used to connect 5000 PLC IOs and a Redundant Controller. And this Rs. 3.6 Crore (U$D 750,000 ) had to be completed from desing to handing over in six gruelling months.

And what is amazing, there have been no service requests for first 3 years of operation, our Defect Liability Period.

Why are we the right company in this feild ? Because we understand technology. Of course we undestand Controllers, Programming, automation. But most importantly, we undertand client’s verticals very well and are able to give multiple choices, value added choices to client on how we can help him meet his goals. When we help our client to succeed, we succeed.

Why did you think we are the person to do this?

It never occurred to question if I was the right person for this business. I kept on taking up newer challanges after completing the relatively smaller ones. With each challange overcome, my appatite grew for bigger. My only regret was ” Why did I start this venture late in Life, I should have started right after college ”

These Are Our Clients